The 89 percent

Lucien Ong

Poll results from an INSEAD Class of December 2017 survey claim that 89% of my classmates are “career changers” which means that the vast majority of my classmates intend to move into a new function, industry, or country after we graduate from business school. Even if these results may be inflated, a large proportion of our class has indicated their desire to reinvent themselves from a career perspective.

I am one of the 89% and here’s my story.

After studying Commerce and Journalism at Melbourne University, I was invited to join the planning team for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in Indonesia. I then moved to Cambodia to launch the National Business Plan Competition for Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, and became involved in social impact investing. Most recently, I worked for the U.S. State Department as an Economic / Commercial Specialist where I helped to increase U.S. commercial and economic engagement in the region.

I have spent the past six years at the highest intersections of public and private sectors, and have been directly involved in the value creation process that comes from the strategic alignment of diverse stakeholder interests. After business school, I want to transition into the area of investments so I will be able to coordinate commercial projects that arise from my networks and pipeline of opportunities.

INSEAD represents an opportunity for my career pivot, as it will provide the ecosystem for me to augment my skill sets for my post-MBA career. I look forward to deep diving into new subjects that I have no prior experience in, engaging in robust discussions with dynamic classmates, and demonstrating to interviewers why I deserve the opportunity to work with their firm.

To the 89%, I wish you every success as you pursue your career reinvention over the next twelve months. We are in this together.

To future students, I invite you to join this journey with us.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017 everyone!