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Overall Annual Mean Salary

EUR 115,700

Overall Annual Median Salary

EUR 119,500

Overall Median Sign-on Bonus1

EUR 29,900

Overall Median Performance Bonus1

EUR 27,400

The figures are displayed when at least five salaries or bonuses are reported by graduates.
Gross salaries are reported before tax deduction and do not include bonuses.

Country#Salary Range (EUR2)
Mean (EUR)Median (EUR)Median Sign-on Bonus (EUR)Median Performance Bonus (EUR)
Austria5110,000 - 125,000120,500122,500-15,000
Brazil1446,000 - 84,30070,90073,70040,20022,700
Canada6134,700 - 135,400135,000134,900--
France969,000 - 107,40092,800104,00020,00014,000
Germany5110,000 - 133,600121,700120,000-20,000
India1034,200 - 51,80041,90038,90013,20011,400
Italy1170,000 - 90,00083,20085,000-18,000
Japan567,300 - 76,50070,40067,30018,400-
Portugal580,000 - 115,00091,80090,00016,00031,500
Qatar14110,300 - 168,300138,300144,70029,90033,600
Saudi Arabia2376,400 - 202,800156,200159,20038,20044,400
Singapore686,000 - 114,700101,700102,700-50,200
Spain1164,000 - 92,00087,60090,00016,00015,000
Switzerland10125,500 - 146,400135,800132,800-20,400
United Arab Emirates5662,600 - 294,200133,600124,80032,50036,800
United Kingdom25105,600 - 152,500117,600117,30039,60029,300
United States10156,300 - 212,400180,000174,70027,60041,400
Other countries where less than 5 jobs/salaries were reported include:
Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam
Median Sign-on Bonus
Median Performance Bonus
1st Quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
Mean Salary
Sample Size

Hover the cursor over the chart to see salary information.

1 69% of Management Consulting salaries were reported with sign-on bonus and 80% with performance bonus.

2 Source: - average exchange rate 01/12/2023 - 30/09/2024 - from graduation date of 1st class (23D) to three months out of 2nd class (24J)