The 6 most famous catchphrases on campus

Drew Copuyoc

Since my first blog was a bit serious, I wanted to keep my second blog a lighter read. Again, I promise to make this short but entertaining.

Growing up as a 90's kid, I loved watching sitcoms. And until today, I remember a lot of the famous catchphrases. Some memorable ones include: how you doing?, suit-up!, have you met Ted? or Bazinga!

Hearing them automatically triggers happy thoughts. Even across different cultures, as I found out on campus.

For us INSEADers, even students and professors have our own most-used catchphrases.

So, I decided to list down 6 Most Famous Catchphrases on campus along with some personal thoughts.

  1. "It depends" or sometimes referred to as, "Both A & B.I guess it depends on the context.
  2. The go-to case subject of every class, Airlines. From strategy, pricing, accounting and even OB. MBA students are ready to take over the airline industry and to make paper aeroplanes.
  3. The magical 2 x 2 matrix. This legendary weapon wielded by consultants can solve any problem. This is INSEAD's literal & figurative version of "Michael Jordan's secret stuff" from Space Jam.
  4. "Fair enough." A polite way of saying "I don't agree with you, but let's move on."
  5. "Challenge your assumptions." This is the equivalent of the proverbial advice "wax on, wax off" from professors to students. It takes five periods to understand its full meaning.
  6. F.O.M.O. and its linear relationship with the number of members on a telegram group. It may be the main cause of anxiety among students, but it's probably the main driving force behind how INSEAD students can balance academics, recruitment and having fun.

Shout-out to E9 and our professors! P1 was awesome! 
That's it for now. The next blog will be more serious and useful, I hope!