INSEAD is a unique place that values every unique characteristic and embraces every story of yours; so my biggest advice is to express your “true” self by coherent storytelling throughout your application process.
Linh Dinh

Linh Dinh

Nationality/Passport: VNM Year of graduation: 2024 Current Role: INSEAD MIM Student

Could you share something unexpected about you?

I completed my bachelor's degree at a fashion school, and I've spent my entire life immersed in the arts. I work in a variety of art forms, including fashion design, modelling, photography, and dancing, all of which can be discovered further on my personal art portfolio website.

Tell us about yourself, and how you got to where you are today both on a professional and personal level?

During my time in my home country Vietnam, my previous involvement in extracurricular activities during high school revealed that I thrive best in an artistic environment. I then made the decision to enrol in a fashion school in Paris in order to pursue a career in the fashion industry. 

Having spent three years studying in the culturally rich city of Paris, I had the valuable opportunity to gain first-hand professional experience in the field through internships during Paris Fashion Week.

On a personal level, I have still maintained my interest in the arts by participating as a YouTube dancer for Magnetix crew, a dance team in Paris that I joined to pursue my passion for dancing during my leisure time, and by doing fashion photography collections around Europe.

What motivated you to choose the INSEAD MIM, and how do you envision it aligning with your future goals, even at this early stage?

I have always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur - having my own fashion brand. 

At this early stage, my professional objective is to work for leading fashion groups in management roles to gain insights into running fashion businesses.

INSEAD was my target school for a master’s degree that would support both my short-term and long-term career goals.

Besides, studying abroad for my bachelor’s has allowed me to cultivate an international mindset and work ethic by collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds and by embarking on solo trips across Europe, through which I made friendships with local people of different countries. 

I explored that I would flourish and have an opportunity to expand my global connections in an international environment, and INSEAD provides exactly such a setting.

What were your impressions of campus life so far and how did you navigate accommodation, and sorting out all the admin? Any tips for incoming students?

I got the advantage of already staying in France when getting admission from INSEAD, so I did not find any difficulties in finding accommodation. 

Having previously lived in Paris for three years, I was afraid that I would find Fontainebleau - a town 55km away from Paris - a bit dull. However, I have really enjoyed Fonty life as an INSEAD student so far. I love the peaceful atmosphere and artistic landscape here, and love even more the way my daily life is surrounded by the INSEAD community. 

The moments we could come across and recognise INSEAD students very easily on the streets on the way home, in a supermarket, or even in the bar always excite me.

My one tip for the incoming students is to make contact with your fellow incoming or current INSEAD students as early as possible.

This will enable you to get useful advice and up-to-date news or opportunities like sharing the accommodation or joining a travel trip with your new classmates.

In your first few weeks, what aspects of the INSEAD MIM have stood out to you as unique or particularly appealing?

My first impression of the INSEAD MIM is how insightful and collaborative the activities during the first two weeks of orientation are, especially the outdoor and the L.E.A.D seminars.

Thanks to these very first well-designed activities, I built a strong connection with other members of my home group and other classmates, which then made it easier for me to work in groups for class assignments.

The other appealing aspects are the career coach sessions and weekly workshops/events from the Career Development Centre that provide me with precious information and tips for my job hunting and application journey.

Aside from your academic pursuits, what extracurricular interests or activities are you exploring at INSEAD, and how do you see them enhancing your overall MIM experience?

As a dancer, I definitely cannot miss the opportunity to explore DANCEAD, a dance club at INSEAD that organises weekly dance teaching workshops for every student. I joined a couple of dance classes with other MIM students, and we really had great moments together after busy hours of studying.

Any parting words of wisdom, and are you willing to be contacted for more information by prospective students?

INSEAD is a unique place that values every unique characteristic and embraces every story of yours; so my biggest advice is to express your “true” self by coherent storytelling through your application process.

Lastly, I am very happy to be reached out for any questions.