The environment at INSEAD is more collaborative than competitive.
Ming Sun
Why did you decide to do an MBA?
My major at university was Maths, so I felt I needed some systematic training in business. Also, I wanted some international experience. I worked in 30 cities in China but I didn`t spend a long time abroad.
And why did you choose INSEAD?
Most of all because it’s one of the best in the world. But also I chose it because INSEAD is just one year and has campuses on two continents. The other attraction was that I met a lot of INSEAD alumni while I was a consultant. I found them all open-minded and easy-going. They were people who like to listen, as well as to talk.
How do you find INSEAD now you’re here?
The international experience is amazing. It’s incredible to have 80 nationalities in the classroom. My classmates are as open-minded, fun and easy-going as the alumni I met. And they’re incredibly supportive too. It’s more a collaborative than a competitive environment.
What has it been like working in a group
I was quite shy at the beginning of the programme. Now, I`m definitely more confident. I feel comfortable working with people from any culture. In my first group we had a Western student who was very detail-driven. He and I often disagreed with each other, but we taught each other a lot. I learned not to judge before giving something a try and he learned not to be so idealistic. At work, I just wouldn’t have had that kind of feedback. I learned so much about myself and my potential.
What do you think the campus exchange has added to the INSEAD experience?
Switching campuses gave me a fresh perspective and motivation. It also helped me to meet even more interesting people. It’s just incredibly exciting to live in two very different countries. And my French is less horrible than it was!
What do you do in your spare time?
I’m involved in the organisation of the Chinese national week. It really makes me feel proud of my own country. And of course, I took part in the organization of other national weeks.
While I was in France I travelled a lot around Europe. Most of the European countries are just two hours away by plane or train.
What are your career plans?
I’m sponsored, so I will probably go back to my previous employer. But in the longer term, I’d maybe like to join an international fashion company and then maybe join a Chinese company to help build the fashion industry in China.
What do you think will be the main thing you take away from INSEAD?
Great memories and so many friends all over the world. We’re already making plans to visit each other. I know everyone says it, but it really has been the best year of my life. But most of all, I think I’ll take away a new openness of mind. Instead of saying, “No, this won’t work”, I now see opportunities.