It was an absolutely inspiring experience.
Moussa Rawat

Moussa Rawat

Nationality/Passport: Mauritian Year of graduation: 2015 Current Role: CEO, Tilisi Developments PLC

Role prior to INSEAD:

I was working in a family business. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I play the didjeridoo

So, Moussa, what made you decide to pursue an EMBA, and why did you choose INSEAD?

I pursued the Executive MBA (EMBA) because I wanted to broaden my scope and improve the corporate governance of the company that employed me.

If you were to describe your experience in one sentence, what would it be?

It was an absolutely inspiring experience.

Has the EMBA helped you in your career so far? 

To put it simply, the recruiters for most of the positions I have filled since 2015 have mentioned INSEAD as a reason for making first contact.

What are your thoughts about the multi-campus experience?

They are all very well designed and great fun.

Could you tell us more about the Leadership Development Programme experience?

It was very interesting and introspective experience. It also created great bonds.

What advice would you give to someone who might be interested in pursuing an INSEAD Masters programme?

Put in the hard work, enjoy the good times and you will reap the benefits.