“Empowerment is helping others overcome their self-limiting beliefs.”
Jingjin Liu
CEO and Founder, Zazazu
Global Executive MBA 2019
In three sentences or less, could you tell us a little more about yourself?
I am a serial entrepreneur aiming to build a business that has a positive impact on the world. I have a corporate background as a Marketing Director, and have lived and worked across the globe. In my free time, I volunteer as a mum for a 2.5-year-old naughty boy.
Any fun facts?
I speak better German than most native German folks and am a total petrolhead.
Why did you choose INSEAD?
I am a firm believer in the power of diversity in all aspects. Although every top 10 business school markets themselves differently, the academic curriculum is absolutely comparable. What makes INSEAD stand out is not only the diversity among the students, but also in the faculty and the campuses across four continents.
Seeing is believing - I have never encountered so many brilliant people at one spot, and learnt such diverse aspects of life, career and perspectives on the world.
Another key criterion for me was a strong curriculum and network for entrepreneurship. Most business schools are strong in corporate governance and consulting, but INSEAD not only has the strongest academic offering, but also the best network of entrepreneurs across the world.
And lastly, INSEAD’s philosophy of bringing together future leaders, influencers and decision-makers. The school’s motto of ‘Business as a Force for Good’ resonates strongly with my deepest passion and calling to build a profitable business that has a true positive impact on the world.
How would you describe your INSEAD experience?
It was beyond my expectations. I have never felt so academically, mentally and physically challenged and yet so good at the same time - studying side by side with the world’s top 1% professionals ranging from CEOs to doctors, lawyers and diplomats was thrilling beyond words.
I came to INSEAD with the expectation of broadening my business knowledge and network, and I took away lifelong friendships, and lessons and learnings beyond academics that I could never have gained without this 18-months journey.
Was there an encounter that left you with a deep impression?
I had the opportunity to meet Indra Nooyi in person. When asked how she became the first female CEO at PepsiCO she said “You do your job better than any man, better than any woman, simply better than anyone - this is how you make it to the top.” Since then, this has been my credo in business.
What was the greatest challenge you faced at work, and how did you overcome it?
I am building a taboo-breaking business venture to normalise sexual wellness for women. It is an extremely controversial venture especially in Singapore, where nobody has truly succeeded in the past so there is no “best practice” to look for. Many people are curious, and therefore like to give advice without providing any real actionable support.
I learnt to choose my tribe consciously and ignore the noise, and actively try not to waste time and energy on listening to people who are not my believers.
What always amazes you?
People with deep innate confidence, who are secure in who they are, and do not deviate from their trajectory based on what others say, whether good or bad.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I don’t believe in the term “perfect”, as it suggests that there is no room for improvement anymore. And I also think that “perfect happiness” changes across different stages of life.
When I was in my late twenties I still remember telling myself: If I become the first female marketing director in the firm, then my life would be perfect. I did, but I was everything but happy.
Today, it is fairly simple. I wish my business venture will make a true impact on normalising female sexual wellness, that my son grows healthily and happily every day, and that my husband and I hold hands like the very first day we met.
What is your greatest fear?
To fail with things that are close to my heart, let it be my business venture or my marriage, because I did not give everything in my power to make it a success.
What does it mean to you to be Limitless?
To be able to overcome any self-limiting beliefs and to follow your dreams. To overcome yourself, which is usually the biggest “limit” in life.