The INSEAD Master in Management (MIM) Class of 2021 launched in September 2020, in the midst of the global pandemic.

Meet some students of the pioneering MIM Class who share their experiences and impressions of the programme. 

Abdulhameed Obileye

Hameed obained a First Class Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Lagos. 

Before joining INSEAD, he completed several internships in the oil and gas industry, product marketing and community management for a start-up, a stint in the strategy team of Nigeria's largest maize producer, as well as volunteering for a number of international youth and cultural organisations. 


Originally from France, Florence obtained a BSc in International Management and Modern Languages from the University of Bath (UK).

Before INSEAD, she spent a year studying and working in Chile, and has completed several international internships in consulting, marketing and sales. 


Florence Bares

INSEAD MIM Georges German

Growing up in Lebanon, Georges moved to France to obain a Masters in Strategy and Finance from ESSEC Business School.

He completed an internship as a Business Analyst at Louis Vuitton’s international headquarters before joining INSEAD, and has a strong interest in finance, strategy, analytics and research.





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