The 19D's INSEAD Journey: Officially Starts !
Starting from this week, our INSEAD Class of 2019 December is officially in session. We can finally meet the peers of our class, our study group members, our Career Development Coaches, our Deans and faculty, and our Personal Leadership Development Coaches.
But it is not only that, we met the chef in the canteen, the staff in the gym, the library, the staff of the Student Experience team, who will provide us the warmest support of the year.
2019 will be a transformative year and my classmates and I look forward to experiencing this exciting journey with INSEAD!
We will make true friends, have fun while studying hard, and learn to make the world a better place. We will remember the INSEAD campaign - "Business as the force for good." - and work to give an impact to the society.
See what our Dean Urs Peyer, IIian Mihov, our Alumnus Nir Marom, and our Career Development Coach/Professor Gene Cleckley told us in the Launch Week Opening of the school :