INSEAD P1: The MBA Odyssey

Aanchal Sahni

After five years of working in my previous job, I realised that my learning curve (knowledge vs time) had become shallow. Working in an engineering team, I eventually got involved in people and project management tasks. Yet the lack of a formal management toolkit in my qualifications portfolio restricted my access to greener pastures (stronger leadership roles).

Considering the brand equity and discovering my right fit, the INSEAD MBA seemed to be the answer to all my discomposures.

Post P1: A little older.. a little wiser

At the dawn of P2, as I reflect on the two bygone months,

I can truly say that I have learnt more at INSEAD so far, than I did in the last few years.

In P1, in what seems like a split second, I was thrown into a whirlpool of assignments and pedagogical disciplines, confronted by finance and economics.. languages I had never learnt before. Slightly perplexed by my deteriorating academic prowess, I realised that I had not been challenged in a very long time! The INSEAD MBA is extremely rigorous, but for most people, learnings are not just restricted to the exigent academics, but also come from a greater source- the people around you.

Unlearning the learnings..

Diversity is the norm at INSEAD and most people who get accepted to the school have had extremely successful international careers. Yet when we began to work with our small diverse study groups, we realise how differently people from other cultures think and approach problems, and how naive I was to think that I was decently well versed in global cultural context! This is the beauty of INSEAD. It questions your preconceived notions, exposing your vulnerabilities and leaving you to create your own set of positive affirmations to become the leader you aspire to. Learning to adapt, accommodate and assimilate everybody’s beliefs and habits, sets you up on the path to fulfilment.