My Learning Journey at the Executive Master in Change
“Knowing others is intelligence.
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength.
Mastering yourself is true power.”
Lao-Tzu (Ancient Chinese Philosopher)
Truly life-changing learning can positively impact our lives on cognitive, emotional, and behavioural levels, which I have been grateful to have experienced through my study at INSEAD.
In September 2020 I started the Executive Master in Change at INSEAD, which is best described as a programme that connects psychology with business, applying and anchoring theories and concepts learned back into business and organisations.
Over the past 19 months, I have completed seven multi-day on-campus modules, six case studies, three practicums in various organisations, seven reflection papers, one learning and implementation essay.
The task in front of me right now, which is the biggest task of the programme, is writing my Master’s degree thesis. Writing an academic paper is hard work and requires higher-order thinking. But I do enjoy this process of questing and searching the answers for my research questions that really matter to me personally and professionally.
It was so fascinating to learn the basic drivers of human behaviour and the hidden dynamics of organisations.
As the programme integrates and leverages the organisational task complexity with the human complexity at the conscious and unconscious level, I have grown to appreciate – and to be able to apply - a system-psychodynamic perspective in an organisation and be more psychologically aware and able to apply that awareness in both professional and personal contexts.
Most importantly, the deep understanding of myself opened the door to self-reflection and becoming more curious and attuned to the cues of what might be going on in me and around me.
The programme has helped me develop "night vision" - a deeper understanding of what goes on below the surface in me and others. This skill can be applied at all levels of interaction: individuals, teams, large groups, and organisations.
For example, I tap into the night vision skill in coaching leaders, observing dynamics of the teams, helping to increase effectiveness of leadership teams, managing changes and communications for the teams and so much more.
This skill is immensely beneficial in times of crisis or uncertainty, as it keeps me from moving too quickly or reaching a rash decision. Rather, it helps me to be more reflective, which in turn increases my ability to tolerate ambiguity, not knowing and a rush to closure, while containing the sense of confusion, uncertainty and anxiety around me.
Lastly, I have learned so much by interacting with some amazing professionals in a class. I have made so many friends for life who help me to be vulnerable and come to terms with “imperfect” me.
If you like to find out more about my learning experience or discuss your development plan, give me a shout!
Also, if you like to find more about the programme that I have been privileged to do, try this link!