Each day had its own challenges and fun moments and with every progressing moment, the cohort just got closer and closer, leaving us all with friends for a lifetime.
Adeep Srinivasa

Tell us about yourself, and how you got to where you are today both on a professional and personal level?
As an undergraduate mechanical engineering student, I’ve always been interested and intrigued by how things work and always wanted to learn more. Over this short and eventful journey, I’ve learnt the importance of unity in diversity.
What motivated you to choose the INSEAD Summer School, and how do you envision it aligning with your future goals, even at this early stage?
Studying at a prestigious business school such as INSEAD has always been a dream of mine, primarily because of the access to like-minded people and the ability to express thoughts and ideas in a fruitful manner.
I wanted to attend the INSEAD Summer School in order to experience what it’s like to be at one of the biggest business schools of the world, and in turn prepare myself to join an institute like INSEAD and create a positive impact on our society.
Tell us about your experience on the ISS – what was a typical day like?
A typical day in ISS was filled with an invigorating sense of excitement with professors from various INSEAD campuses coming together and teaching us.
On a personal level, I learnt a lot not only through the professors but through my classmates as they shared their experiences and knowledge through multiple teambuilding activities.
Any memorable moments that you will take back with you?
Every day was memorable at INSEAD and there is no one select moment I can pinpoint.
Each day had its own challenges and fun moments and with every progressing moment, the cohort just got closer and closer, leaving us all with friends for a lifetime.
What were your impressions of campus life?
The campus life at INSEAD was brilliant and like no other.
Thankfully we got to live life like a proper full-time INSEAD student through this summer school programme and it was enjoyable. From breakfasts to coffee breaks to nights out at Glasgow (a pub in Fontainebleau), these were precious moments to gel with our cohort and our mentors and gain knowledge from them.
Could you share a little about your application process, and making your way to Fontainebleau?
My application process to the INSEAD Summer School Programme was interesting because I had little to no belief that I could it pull it off and be a part of this summer school. While writing my essays and answering the questions asked during the interview, my motto was to keep it a hundred percent real and authentic because INSEAD is more interested in who you are as a person rather than what you are.
As far as what I have understood, INSEAD wants to know more about you and how you’ve tackled issues both professionally and personally and in turn shown a leadership spirit throughout the process.
Any parting words of wisdom, and are you willing to be contacted for more information by prospective students?
I am not sure if I’m qualified enough yet to give any advice but one thing I can say is that it’s always better to be real and accept who you are and whatever has made you be the person you are, rather than aspiring to be something ideal and perfect that people try to sell to you. More importantly, no matter what the situation is and how bad things may be, it’s always showtime!
Yes! Anyone can approach me regarding my journey at the summer school or anything in general. I’ll give my very best to answer all of them to the best of my ability.