You might not sleep too much during your programme, but you will certainly have an amazing year!
Rafaela Mazzone

Could you share a little about why you decided to pursue the MBA, and in particular, the INSEAD MBA?
I decided to get an MBA mainly to strengthen my business education. I have an undergrad in International Politics and got all of my business knowledge working in Tech companies in Brazil and in the US.
Although I was living in the US, INSEAD was my first (and only) option.
INSEAD's focus on diversity - both in terms of cultures and backgrounds - is aligned with my own values and will allow me to be exposed to multicultural experiences, classmates and knowledge I need to become the type of leader that I want to be.
Can you share your thoughts about the class experience, professors, and the curriculum so far?
As I didn’t have an undergrad education in business, the programme so far has offered a steep - but rewarding - learning curve! Our professors have impressive backgrounds and are clearly passionate about teaching. I have also been learning a lot from my classmates, and from our discussions in and outside the classes.
Where are you located and what are you most looking forward to during your time on the programme?
My starting campus is Fontainebleau, and I’m very much looking forward to spending more time with all the incredible people I have met so far, doing electives in topics that I enjoy, and hopefully living a few months in Asia as well!
Have you learned any important lessons so far from your MBA experience that have been especially useful?
First, There is so much going on all the time, and it is important to make sure you are focusing on the things that you care about and the things you came to the programme for.I learned it’s important to identify my priorities and listen to myself.
Secondly, . This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do so in an environment where everyone is really focused on growing and helping others to do so as well.I learned not to be shy in giving and receiving feedback
Lastly, . People are generally very supportive, and this is a great opportunity to leverage and learn from each other. There's a lot of work and a lot of stuff you won't know, and you have to be comfortable asking for help. My classmates have been amazing resources during my learning process so far.I learned to ask for help
Any tips for those who are considering an INSEAD MBA?
Come with an open mind and be willing to learn from other people’s experiences and cultures.
You might not sleep too much during your programme, but you will certainly have an amazing year!