For anyone who is interested in knowing more about the financial world and has the intention to develop further in the field, the EMFin is a good programme to take.
Yunyi Li

Yunyi Li

Nationality/Passport: Singaporean Year of graduation: 2023 Current Role: General Manager, Ispace Innovations Asia Pacific

Can you tell us a little more about yourself? 

I grew up in one of the main port cities of China. When I turned 18, I left my hometown and headed to Beijing for my studies. I majored in science and engineering, and I learned finance mainly from work. I work for venture investors, which provides me with access to lots of innovations and venturous start-ups.

Venture building is an exciting journey to take, no matter how old you are. As a mother of two, I have learned to juggle my time and switch my roles during a typical day. I enjoy the balance between family and work. 

So, what made you decide to take on the EMFin programme at INSEAD?

My experience with a venture capitalist firm was the immediate reason when I chose EMFin programme. I wanted to gain more technical skills and to have a holistic view of the financial world. 

How do you feel about the programme so far; has it met your expectations? 

The modules have proven to be very fruitful and inspired me to learn more through extra reading. My classmates come from different backgrounds and from all over the world. Although we study part-time, we have made time to get to know each other, and have built good relationships through daily lunches, coffee breaks, team projects, off-campus meetings and conference calls. I have met people with similar passions towards venture building. Sharing ideas among us has turned out to be very encouraging and interesting. 

Can you tell us a little more about quality of the professors, the curriculum? Would you like to share any classroom experiences or anecdotes so far?

The EMFin professors are incredibly smart with rich experience in the industry and strong academic backgrounds.

The curriculum is well designed as it focuses on key skills, real business environments and real business cases.

Under each module, the fundamental skills are commonly required and tested across different courses which I have found very efficient. 

Any advice for someone thinking of joining the EMFin programme? 

For anyone who is interested in knowing more about the financial world and has the intention to develop further in the field, I would think the EMFin is a good programme to take.

Any economy or any business in the world needs finance people as it helps grow people's wealth. 

Any parting words of wisdom?

It feels really good returning to campus with active brain cells! That is because the people you are going to meet at INSEAD are just inspiring.