I was able to develop a broad perspective on important issues in corporate finance and capital market.
Deepak Venkatanarasimhan

Deepak Venkatanarasimhan

Deepak V
Nationality/Passport: Indian Year of graduation: 2018 Current Role: Vice President at GIC

What made you decide to do a Master in Finance?

I chose to pursue a Master in Finance to support my goal of transitioning from operating to investing roles.

Why the INSEAD EMFin amongst all other available Master programmes worldwide?

There are a small number of finance programmes globally that are tailored for relatively experienced candidates. Outside of INSEAD being a top school, I was attracted by the rich experience other students bring to the programme and the small class size. The small class size ensures greater access to professors and course participants.

Did the programme meet or exceed your expectations?

Attending the programme was transformational. I was able to develop a broad perspective on important issues in corporate finance and capital markets, and delve deep into an area of choice via the capstone project.

How did the EMFin help you in your career?

I found an interesting opportunity at a very large asset manager before even completing the course. The EMFin has helped me progress towards my career goals.

Do share with us your thoughts on your class experience.

INSEAD finance has a line-up of distinguished professors. The pedagogy is designed to deliver a balance between theory and practice. The professors use their considerable skill to give participants a sound grounding in theory. Once this is done, we get to discuss a wide array of carefully chosen cases that help develop a critical appreciation of the recent history of finance.

What is one module that you enjoyed most, and why?

I enjoyed the advanced modules the most because by the second half of the course, I was sufficiently immersed in the content. Furthermore, the capstone project allowed me one-on-one access to a professor of my choice who was generous with his time and advice. The project helped deepen my understanding of an area of interest, i.e., Financial Economics.

Can you share the multi-campus experience?

INSEAD’s multi-campus format across Paris and Singapore is unique. While the content provides sufficient basis to appreciate the differences between the US, Europe, Latin America, and Asia, as well as comparatively explore emerging versus developed markets, physically being in Asia and Europe adds to the experience.

What advice will you give to potential EMFin participants?

The INSEAD EMfin is intense and requires a substantial commitment in time and energy. Being prepared and disciplined help participants get the most out of the programme.