EMFin Viewpoints: Kuok Liang Chin
Nationality: Malaysian
Year Graduated: 2022
Current Role: Manager at PwC
"From the voice-sensing microphones to the multitude of strategically positioned high definition cameras, the online experience was really good."
Why did you choose INSEAD's Executive Master in Finance (EMFin) amongst other programmes out there?
I evaluated INSEAD's EMFin against programmes offered by other premier business schools. The EMFin was the only one that could meet my requirements! Firstly, the course content is centred around my interest - investments and corporate finance with a strict focus on practical application. Secondly, the modular format is also ideal for me. I am not keen to put my career and personal life on hold for a couple of years as one would in a full-time programme.
Lastly, INSEAD's diverse reputation guarantees interaction with like-minded individuals who form the basis for a strong network not only in Asia but also in Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world.
What made you decide to embark on a masters programme with the COVID-19 situation going on?
My reasons are two-fold. On a professional level, I believe that the backdrop of volatility and uncertainty allows for a deeper level of discussion. Many concepts are easy to apply in periods of stability or normality. However, during a black swan event, we learn to appreciate the nuances and limitations of such concepts.
On a personal level, COVID-19 means that everyone is spending their leave at home or on staycations. That's a huge opportunity cost! I prefer to use this moment to upskill. It brings me personal satisfaction knowing that I will come out of the pandemic a better version of myself.
How was your module 1 classroom experience on campus vs on Zoom?
With the advent of technology and diligent planning by the admins, INSEAD's Zoom alternative came close to the on-campus experience.
I tried the Zoom experience for one day and it was the closest thing to being there. From the voice-sensing microphones to the multitude of strategically positioned high definition cameras, the online experience was really good. I could even see the facial expressions of people who were speaking, all from the comfort of my home. The faculty also do a great job of ensuring the entire class remains engaged and interactive via group projects and breakout room case study discussions.
Tell us more about your classmates!
If I had to choose one word to describe my class - diversity. Diversity in age, experience, background, culture, personalities etc. Because of this diversity - everyone brings a different viewpoint, which lends for interesting discussions! At the same time, this is one of the friendliest and most driven groups of people I've ever met.
Any advice to prospects out there who are interested in joining the EMFin, but hesitating because of such uncertain times now?
The benefits of undertaking the EMFin are lifelong. Hence, the earlier one is able to get involved, the longer you can enjoy these benefits or - in finance speak – “the higher the ROI".
It is normal to have questions or concerns in a time like this. My advice would be to voice out and seek clarification from the INSEAD team. More likely than not, there are many other potential candidates who have shared similar concerns and it will be useful for you to hear how they are addressed.