Why INSEAD and an Overview of the Application Process
I’m very much looking forward to starting my INSEAD MBA in Singapore in just a few days! But why did I choose INSEAD?
Being part of a truly diverse class was extremely important to me, and that’s just one of the characteristics that makes INSEAD truly unique. Not only does each class have people from 80+ nationalities with professional experience spanning across every industry you can think of, but also most of these people have spent a significant amount of time living and working in countries other than their home country. Oh, and there is no dominating nationality, which means that by coming from a different country and by speaking several languages you are not part of a minority of international students, but rather the typical INSEAD student. Just think about the perspectives that such a diverse group will bring to class discussions and your overall MBA experience!
Going back to the application process – my first impression and every consecutive interaction with INSEAD staff, current students, and alumni have been very positive. I first attended a virtual information session organized by the Singapore campus. A few months later, I visited the Fontainebleau campus and stayed with current students, went to a lot of really interesting classes, and got a very informative tour of the campus. This experience really brought to life everything I had read and heard about the program. After my trip, I could really see myself at INSEAD. That’s why I applied only there.
While the number of INSEAD essays might seem a bit daunting at first, once you start reflecting on all of your experiences, you realize that you actually have a lot to say. And after this whole process of deeply thinking about who you are, your goals and aspirations, etc. (and it is a process..), I can assure you that you will know yourself much better.
When it comes to interviews, INSEAD relies on its extensive alumni network all over the world to match you with alumni who are not only located near you (both of my interviews were within a 15 min walk from my office in Washington DC), but also with people with similar to your backgrounds. It was really great to see that school alumni are willing to volunteer so much of their time to interview prospective students. My interviewers were both very friendly and expressed an interest to get to know me and learn more about my motivation to pursue an INSEAD MBA. The interviews are also a great opportunity for you to evaluate whether the school would be a good fit for you and to see how alumni talk about their experience at INSEAD and how the school has helped them get where they are today.
My INSEAD journey starts in just a few days, and I’ll make sure to share my experiences here soon!