I could not imagine a more exciting and inspiring scenario than being around 130 smart people from all over the world with extremely diverse backgrounds.
Celine Lange

What were you doing before you joined INSEAD?
I was born and brought up in a small village in the south of Germany. Participating in various exchange programmes and travelling with my family sparked my desire to expose myself to the unfamiliar and explore new cultures. I decided to study International Relations and Management, attracted by the interdisciplinary nature of the degree and its integrated year abroad in two different countries, in my case Spain and UK. I enriched these studies with the programme “Intercultural Competence”, preparing for my volunteer work at a school in rural India in 2016.
Post-bachelor, I worked as a management consultant in the mobility industry for 1,5 years. In my free time, I co-built the “Corona Hilfswerk”, a non-profit organisation providing COVID-related volunteering opportunities and health resources in the entire DACH region.
And can you tell me why you decided to apply for the MIM? What are your goals post-MIM?
I wanted to acquire profound business knowledge and knew that INSEAD would provide academic excellence with their world-renowned faculty.
Moreover, I could not have imagined a more exciting and inspiring scenario than being around 130 smart people from all over the world with extremely diverse backgrounds. Peer-to-peer learning is such an important aspect here at INSEAD. The incredible alumni network, spanning the globe, is the final reason – as access to networks and advice are readily available and a lifelong connection to the school community is ensured.
Post-MIM, I strive to pursue a career in strategy or product management. In the long term, my aim is to become a responsible leader in a multinational environment, moving businesses in innovative directions while also creating value for society.
It’s been a whirlwind first few months, how has everything been going? Memorable moments so far? First impressions, in one sentence?
Life at INSEAD is great – and intense.
The pressure is created through the combination of different dimensions: 1. The academic one: A full schedule, loads of group projects and regular exams. 2. The social one: We’re all here to have an amazing year, so events, dinners, drinks and trips shouldn’t be neglected. 3. The career one: As we progress further in the programme, the topic of job search is becoming increasingly present and consumes a considerable amount of our time.
The launch week closing dinner at the beautiful Blue Ocean Institute was definitely one of my highlights, as well as our first holidays after P1, giving us the opportunity to travel with our class mates and recharge batteries for P2. Apart from that, . Everyone has an open ear for your ideas and you can count on immediate support from the institutional side and from your fellow students.INSEAD impressed me as a place with endless opportunities for people who want to take initiative
What are you most looking forward to during the rest of the programme?
In January, the Charity Gala of Funds for Good, a MIM-led female empowerment initiative, will take place. As one of the Co-founders, I am very passionate about the project and excited to see all our work from the last months materialise.
I’m also very much looking forward to Singapore. Having the opportunity to live there for four months, being exposed to an entirely new culture in the middle of a vibrant city like Singapore, is going to be amazing.
Any tips for anyone who might be interested in pursuing a MIM in the future?
Plan ahead and start to prepare early.
The preparation for the GMAT, the self-reflection and the application process require time and in my opinion should not be done in a rush.
Plus, the earlier you get admitted, the nicer your apartment in Fontainebleau is going to be and the more time you’ll have to find perfect flat mates. 😉
Parting words of wisdom?
Most business schools offer great resources to find more about their culture, their programmes and the application. Thanks to this and all the rankings and media coverage, we have the feeling to be perfectly able to assess which schools are the best fit for us. But: I advise everyone to use this tool in order to decide where to apply and whether to accept an offer or not.Talking to current students and alumni still is the most valuable and honest source of information.