I was blown away by the competence and commitment of my classmates.
Lorenzo Bonino

Lorenzo Bonino

Lorenzo Bonino
Nationality/Passport: Italian Year of graduation: 2017 Current Role: Strategic Finance Manager, UBER Eats

Why did you decide to do an MBA and why did you choose the INSEAD MBA?

The more I became involved in strategic decisions, the more I became interested in other aspects of the business. I wanted to use my technical expertise, interpersonal skills, and business acumen in a broader role across multiple functional teams and eventually become a General Manager/CEO of a company.

I felt that the best way for me to achieve my ambitious goal was to complete a rigorous, formal business management education. After reading about INSEAD’s programme and attending information sessions I was sure INSEAD would the best business school for me, thanks to its international locations and faculty, the diversity it seeks and the way the programme is organised. 

Has INSEAD met your expectations?

When it comes to INSEAD, expectations are always high, especially now that the school has ranked #1 two years in a row. That being said, INSEAD is meeting many of my expectations. I wanted to be challenged and I have certainly found those challenges. I also expected diversity and the diversity at INSEAD is truly incredible.

Being in such a rich environment is a fantastic trigger for personal and professional growth, although sometimes it is difficult to stick to the original plans, as you are subject, on a daily basis, to so many different inputs, experiences and ideas. 

What are your thoughts on your class experiences?

The quality of the people both the students and faculty I met during my first four months have been amazing. I had the pleasure to spend my first two periods in Fontainbleau and I was blown away by the competence and commitment of my classmates. I appreciated their high level contributions which pushed me to do better and improve myself. I learned as much from my classmates as I did from the class materials or the professors.   

What is the biggest takeaway you have gotten at INSEAD thus far?

Everything is possible with dedication and motivation.  The idea to ‘dream big’ is not just a catchy slogan. Another important takeaway is the importance in balancing different aspects of our lives. The INSEAD experience is very intense. And while I came prepared for this experience, I’ve been challenged with learning to prioritise, to balance study, networking events, career and a healthy lifestyle.

Obviously it is impossible to do everything, and selecting and managing the stress related to one’s choices is a very important aspect of our future life. 

INSEAD is known for its diversity – tell us more about this diverse environment at INSEAD!  

During orientation week we were showed a slide with the list of the different nationalities in the class of 17D. I used this slide many times to explain to people outside INSEAD what diversity means. Of course diversity goes much beyond nationality. It means diversity in previous work experiences (although there’s a strong concentration of consultants, and consultants-to-be), in education and overall backgrounds. Diversity also means that every one of my 534 classmates came to INSEAD with a different goal and wants to approach his/her MBA in a different way. 

What are your plans after the MBA?

I came to INSEAD to continue my career path in a corporation, with the idea of switching from Finance to General Management, and from industrial manufacturing to consumer goods. These are still my plans, although I will keep the door open for different options, such as entrepreneurship or joining a start-up. 

What elective are you planning to take, and why these electives?

In P3, I decided to mix more traditional or hard skill classes like Applied Corporate Finance with more innovative and entrepreneurship oriented courses like New Business Ventures or Identifying New Business Models. To come to this decision, I evaluated in detail all the outlines and selected the ones with the highest scores and the ones more relevant to my plan.

My goal is to explore new professional options like entrepreneurship and the world of start-ups, while continuing building and strengthening my hard-skills. In the future, I’m planning to refine my preparation with softer skill classes such as The Art of Communication and Negotiation, as I believe that the Organisational Behavioral classes are fundamental in becoming a successful manager. 

What advice would you give potential prospects who are interested in the INSEAD MBA?

Firstly, talk to as many alumni as possible to get the most information and have a clear idea of the programme understand if it is what you’re looking for. Secondly, expect intensity, as it’s advertised by many people before and during the programme. Be prepared to be challenged on aspects you were not thinking about. Learn how to balance different parts of your life. Thirdly, come to explore, but keep in mind what you like or and do not like, and not only in your professional life but in also in your personal life.