This past summer, 91 undergraduate students from over 25 countries came together at INSEAD’s Fontainebleau campus in France for a unique, immersive experience. Discover the stories, aspirations, and inspirations behind these future leaders as they share what drew them to the INSEAD Summer School and where they hope it will lead.
"My experience at INSEAD Summer School was truly one of the best of my life, largely because of the incredible people I met."
"I could have easily stayed for another two weeks, even a month!"
"INSEAD is about multicultural diversity, so if you enjoy learning about new cultures and different ways of thinking, you are at the right place."
"I was deeply interested in participating in the INSEAD Summer School, as I believed it would significantly contribute to both my current career objectives and future aspirations."
"I am certain that these two weeks have taught me crucial skills that I will use throughout my career and personal life."
"The Summer School's fast-paced schedule really allowed you to connect with people incredibly quickly and has forged friendships that will last a lifetime."
Discover more INSEAD Summer School profiles here
Class of 2024 Statistics

Visit the INSEAD Summer School website to learn more about the curriculum and admissions process. To schedule a one-to-one consultation with our programme advisors, please contact us.