Thoughtful Responses

Katy Montgomery

I recently read a great article about Bob Dylan accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature.  The award was announced 13 November 2016.  Dylan did not publicly accept the award nor make a public comment about it for two weeks.  All prize recipients are required to give a lecture which the Nobel Foundation publishes.  Dylan’s lecture was published online 5 June 2017; almost six months after receiving the award.  Why the delay?  Dylan was “wondering”—“wondering exactly how [his] songs related to literature.”

The ability to resist or delay the temptation to do or say something too quickly is an important skill and is incredibly important when working with colleagues and as part of a team.

And, incredibly difficult when you want to be proactive, responsive, problem solve, or sometimes even defend a position.  Remember Dylan’s lyrics in “The Times They Are A-Changin”:

And keep your eyes wide

The chance won't come again

And don't speak too soon

For the wheel's still in spin