Why Run When You Can Dash!

Ankur Ghosh

They say that you’re always running when you do an MBA. WRONG! At INSEAD, you DASH. With four months done in a 10+2-month program, you just can’t be okay with running. Apart from how everyone in this batch is brilliant in their own ways and lives, nothing else that I had thought about the course matched up to the reality - it superseded all my expectations. The courses, the assignments and the events are all happening at a breakneck speed.

Coming from an engineering background, I was bombarded with subjects I had no clue about. Finance and Economics seemed extremely daunting. But I have realised a change. Today when I talk about investing my savings, opening a bank account or while reading up about a new product launch, my language and understanding have changed. I now know what basically goes into the latest tech product, the newest investment schemes. The anecdotes from my professors keep playing in my head in their distinct voices and no matter how clueless I felt in class at times, the fact that I understand and talk about topics which were alien to me until December 2016 is thrilling and motivating.

In my application to INSEAD, I wrote that I wanted to learn new skills and tools which 12 years of education and work did not teach me so that I can become a more aware and better-equipped business professional. At the time, I was thinking of lofty ideals of what b-schools would like to hear from their aspirants. But today, dashing through the course, INSEAD has provided me with exactly that and so much more. No wonder we are #1!

So embrace this change and thrive because INSEAD makes a world of a difference in the shortest span of time.