I value myself and other individuals a lot more.
Pearl Tran

What made you decide to take on the EMC programme at INSEAD?
It started from having some very difficult relationships at work and at home. I received coaching that helped. The way my coach helped me made me think: 1) I like to do this and I can, 2) If I can help others the way I was helped, it would be tremendously rewarding and 3) I want to be able to give the best quality of coaching; to that purpose I decided to take the EMC programme to learn from the best.
Did the programme meet or exceed your expectations?
I had no set expectation. I was open to learning what I did not know. All I can say is the experience so far has been well worth it. But I know I will continue to make use of the EMC experience academically, mentally, emotionally and socially.
How has the EMC changed your perspectives/outlook towards life?
I value myself and other individuals a lot more. I don’t have to accept preconceptions, however commonly applauded they are. This revelation is liberating and empowering at the same time. When I can comfortably be myself, I can be more empathetic to others. It was a milestone in the journey of personal maturity.
How different is the EMC as compared to other Masters programmes out there?
I personally did not know of any programme like that. I had an MBA but it was all about system dynamics where you design the system and fill people in. In EMC, you learn the psycho-systemic dynamic where you design the system with the element of people as you understand them, including yourself.
What is one most significant lesson you got out of the programme?
Be open, open, open. There is not a single reality but many realities that co-exist, from different perspectives.
What advice would you give to potential EMC participants?
The first lesson I learned in EMC is: advice is the easiest thing to give and the hardest thing to accept. This lesson has served me well, so I won’t give advice.
Are there any interesting aspects about the programme that you would like to share?
It may sound like a contradiction, but I found that once I recognised and accepted people’s differences, I liked them more and felt closer to them. That way, during the programme and since then, I came to acquire more meaningful friendships in a shorter time than ever before.