EMC offered a safe environment where I’ve been able to experiment and gain a deeper understanding of myself, others and the organisational dynamics of change.
Carlo Carrescia

Tell us a little about yourself.
I started my career as a lawyer and then went into human resources, where I’ve been ever since. Currently, my role is HR Vice President in Schneider Electric, a French multinational company that operates in energy management and automation. My responsibilities include all the typical HR areas with a focus on talent development and diversity and inclusion. What I enjoy most is interacting with people, helping them grow professionally and personally, and driving both organisational and personal change.
What made you decide to take the EMC programme at INSEAD?
In the last few years there has been an incredible amount of pressure on our markets due to the ever-changing business conditions and the high level of flexibility required to adjust the organisation and its business strategies to these changes. I came to realise that, within the HR area, our main challenge in the years ahead will be to support our employees and managers in adjusting to such changes. Most managers are not ready to face this challenge and will need to be supported, coached, guided and influenced by skilled advisors or coaches. My expectation was that the EMC would help me to provide this support and to positively influence the organisation and the people working in it in times of change.
Was your expectation met?
The EMC has been a safe environment where I’ve been able to experiment and gain a deeper understanding of myself, others and the organisational dynamics related to change. It has been an incredible journey and I believe it has deeply changed me for the better in my approach – and greatly boosted my potential.
Do share with us your thoughts on the curriculum.
The curriculum touches all the main areas related to change and offers innovative models to make change happen. But what makes the real difference is the people. The professors are a major competitive advantage for INSEAD, as they provide state-of-the-art thinking and are available throughout the programme to offer support. Given the nature of the course, which is introspective and aimed at change, the links between participants are very deep, something I’ve never experienced in other executive courses.
Which particular module has made the greatest impact on you?
The sessions on personal change. For the first time I gained a profound understanding of the way I am perceived and how I operate. This is the most valuable gift anyone could wish for.
How has the EMC helped you change as a person?
I am much more open now. I am willing to listen and take into account different perspectives in my decision-making processes. As a result, I have drastically improved the way I am perceived as a professional and my ability to make an impact.
How different is the EMC compared to other Masters programmes out there?
The EMC is clearly different from any other programme: it provides experiential learning that, while also giving you tools and theories, enriches your experience with a focus on personal growth and awareness. This approach dramatically improves your ability to “read” both others and the organisational context.
What advice would you give to potential EMC participants?
Be open. Your experience is going to be different from anyone else’s and you can fully benefit from it only if you are ready to work on yourself and with the other participants. You will build an invaluable network of like-minded professionals, who will be ready to help, guide and support each other at any time.