What does ambition mean to you? Do we define success the same for both men and women?

In episode 4, we discuss how ambition doesn't favour any particular gender and how you can support gender initiatives in your career and leadership positions. INSEAD is committed to developing the next generation of global leaders who will change the world with initiatives such as the Force for Good Campaign and the INSEAD Gender Initiative. Find out what the next generation of leaders can do to facilitate women’s success in business?

Joining us in Episode #4:

Zoe Kinias
Zoe is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD and the Academic Director of INSEAD’s Gender Initiative.

Antoine Clavier

Antoine completed his MBA on the Singapore campus and has over seven years of commercial experience in the healthcare industry in Asia. Antoine was also responsible for starting the Manbassador role with the Women in Business Club.

Listen to other podcasts in this In The Know playlist.

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